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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Take a time out… for a daily quote

Seven Ways To Give:
1. The Careless Way: To give something to every cause that is presented, without inquiring into its merits.
2. The Impulsive Way: To give from impulse--as much and as often as love and pity and sensibility prompt.
3. The Lazy Way: To make a special offer to earn money for worthy projects by fairs, bazaars, etc.
4. The Self-Denying Way: To save the cost of luxuries and apply them to purposes of religion and charity. This may lead to asceticism and self-complacence.
5. The Systematic Way: To lay aside as an offering to God a definite portion of our gains--one tenth, one fifth, one third, or one half (rich or poor can follow this plan).
6. The Equal Way: To give God and the needy just as much as we spend on ourselves.
7. The Heroic Way: To limit our own expenditures to a certain sum and give all the rest of our income.
--James S. Hewett, Illustrations Unlimited (Wheaton: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc, 1988) pp. 240-241.